Tag Archives: Hybrid Cloud

Speaking at Windows Server Engineering Summit 2024

With the announcement of the next Windows Server release, called Windows Server 2025, Microsoft decided to organize the next Windows Server Engineering Summit. The Windows Server Summit 2024 will take place March 26-28, 2024, 8 AM – 4 PM Pacific Time with many sessions around Windows Server solutions.

I´m happy to be invited to hold two sessions, which I think are really important and value from Management and Migration purposes.

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The new Azure Update Manager is GA – Part 2 – How it works and the valuable new features

In the first part of this article (Three-big-reasons-to-migrate-to-update-manager-and-forget-the-classic-update-management-center) I dived into the improvements and reasons why Micrsoft introduce Azure Update Manager as a successor of the classic Update Management Center solution based on Azure Automation. In this part, I will explain how it works and what major improvements and new functions the Azure Update Manager offers

Please note: Azure Update Center is based on Azure Automation and needs the Microsoft Monitoring Agent. The MMA has been discontinued and will no longer be supported after August 2024. Support for Update Center has therefore also been discontinued.

2nd note: Microsoft will charged at a daily prorated value of 0.16/server/day which equates to approximately $5 USD/server/month beginning 1 February 2024 for customers using Azure Update Manager on Arc-enabled servers.

Continue reading The new Azure Update Manager is GA – Part 2 – How it works and the valuable new features

Speaking at Experts Live Netherlands 2023 about Mastering Defender for Servers

I´m really happy to announce that I will speak at the Experts Live Netherlands 2023 Spring edition. The last one was the 10th annivesary edition in Fall last year. The Experts Live Netherlands is one of the biggest Experts Live conferences next to Experts Live Europe and because of the big Experts Live Europe will take place this year in autumn, the Orga Team decided to organize the 11 edition in spring.

Contents [show]

Session overview

This year, my session will be about the Mastering Defender for Servers. In this session I will focus on Defender for Servers to protect servers across hybrid and multicloud environments. So I dived into the different plans, feature sets, deployment methods and more. Futhermore I show as a side note the new Defender for CSPM Plan and explore how agentless scan methods works. Deploy defender for servers at scale will complete the view and enable the attendees to mastering defender for servers.


I like the idea behind the Experts Live community and really looking forward to see many community members there, greats friends again and certainly make new contacts.
This year the edition is with 1,200 registrations sold out. The Keynote will be held by Dona Sarkar. So it is worth to be there

About Experts Live Netherlands

Experts Live is an international Microsoft community platform focusing on knowledge sharing through live events.

Every year Experts Live Netherlands organizes a large-scale one-day event where more than 1200+ IT Pros and Developers gain knowledge of Microsoft technology. National and international community experts update visitors on the latest Microsoft technologies in one day.


It was a pleasure to speak at 11th edition of the Experts Live Netherlands. With more then 1200 attendees is was one of my biggest in-person conferences in the last couple of months. Thanks to the organizers and sponsors who made this possible!

You can find the slides from my talk about Mastering Defender for Servers here. Please keep in mind that this slides was only for the Experts Live Event and I will improve the session based on the Feedback from the attendees.

Speaking at Cloud Brew 2022 about Azure Arc

After many hybrid events in the last few years I really like to get back to in-person or hybrid events to see the community live at the events and discuss and learn from each other about different projects and meet some new people.

About the Cloud Brew

One of my favorite conference in 2019 was the Cloud Brew in Belgium, it was a great conference because of different things:

  • Great list of speakers and sessions
  • Deep dive technical sessions
  • Big community from around europe
  • One of the biggest Azure related conference in belgium
  • Great place in the beautiful former brewery Lamot

The Cloud Brew 2022 will take place from 18/11/ – 19/11/2022 in Lamot, Mechelen in Belgium. There are some free seats available.

About my session

Continue reading Speaking at Cloud Brew 2022 about Azure Arc

My favorite Microsoft Ignite 2022 Fall Highlights

After the pandemic beguns Microsoft switched the both big conference Microsoft Build and Microsoft Ignite to virtual only events. The Ignite was two times a year in 2020 and 2021. For 2022 it was long time not clear will it go back to an in-person event or still stay as a virtual event.

The Microsoft Ignite 2022 has start 2 hours ago as an hybrid event delivered from Seattle with 6 Spotlight events around the globe and delivered as before virtually. I’m a little disappointed because a lot of the content is pre-recorded and even great speakers like Donovan Brown don’t hold their sessions live in Seattle but are only shown there virtually as well.

In this article I will share the important announcements from my perspective from the Microsoft Ignite 2022. Most of you know me as an Azure Governance, (Hybrid) Infrastructure and Security guy, so please forgive me for focusing on these things.

Continue reading My favorite Microsoft Ignite 2022 Fall Highlights

Connect physical/virtual servers to Azure Arc for centralized Azure management

The Cloud usage grows in the last years rapidly, but in many customer environments we had servers and applications they can´t migrate to the cloud about different reasons. There are many reasons why applications can not migrated to the cloud e.g. data regulations, connections and latency challenges and more. On the other hand customers whish to use different cloud providers. In summary the hybrid cloud is one of the most use cases in many customer environments. Microsoft released Azure Arc as a solution for hybrid cloud environments. Azure Arc was announced as public preview at Ignite 2019 and going GA on Ignite 2020.

In this article I will cover how connect Windows VMs to Azure Arc.

Azure Arc in General

Azure Arc capabilities – Image from Microsoft Docs

Azure Arc is a solution to extend the Azure management capabilitites to services outside of Azure. This gives the possibilites to manage different services, in different environments from one central place with same capabilities across different services layers.

Microsoft release the first version for Server management and has since expanded the range of functions over Dataservices, Kubernetes and new since some days Azure applications.

Continue reading Connect physical/virtual servers to Azure Arc for centralized Azure management

Azure File Sync – V7 Agent Update Unterstützt nun Fileshares >=5TB

Für Azure File Sync ist eine neue Agent Version verfügbar, die einige Interessante Funktionen mitbringt. Insbesondere der lang erwartete Support für Azure Fileshares <= 5TB wird nun integriert. Die Aktualisierung erfolgt Schrittweise, daher kann es etwas dauern, bis ihr von den Verbesserungen profitiert. Allerdings gibt es auch eine Möglichkeit, das ganze zu beschleunigen.

Mit Version 7 kommen folgende Neuerungen:

Continue reading Azure File Sync – V7 Agent Update Unterstützt nun Fileshares >=5TB

Speaking at Experts Live Netherlands – Slides Available

ExpertsLive Netherlands 2019 - Conference CenterDenBosch
ExpertsLive Netherlands 2019 – Conference CenterDenBosch

I´m very proud about my invitation to the IT conference Experts Live Netherlands on 6. June. This is my first session on a Experts Live Event and I´m really happy to speak at those great conference. I will hold my session about Azure File Sync – Your cloud file server and will also update my slides and the demo to the latest new Azure stuff. There are some news about availability and functionality of this great Azure offering.

Continue reading Speaking at Experts Live Netherlands – Slides Available

Microsoft Non-Profit Sponsoring für Azure und Microsoft 365 – NGO NRO

Bereits seit vielen Jahren unterstützt Microsoft Non-profit Unternehmen mit verschiedene Services. Allerdings gibt es keine Landingpage auf der alle Informationen aufgelistet werden bzw. wenn ist diese nur schwer zu finden. Zusätzlich hatte ich heute mit einem Kunden Kontakt, der zwar als NGO eingestuft ist, aber nur die Office365 Benefits nutzt, da ihm das Azure Sponsoring

Mit diesem Artikel möchte ich eine zentrale Anlaufstelle bereitstellen, aus denen die verschiedenen Dienste hervorgehen, welche Einsparungen und Gutschriften von Microsoft gewährt werden und wie das ganze einzurichten ist.

Continue reading Microsoft Non-Profit Sponsoring für Azure und Microsoft 365 – NGO NRO

Azure File Sync ist GA #AzureFileSync #AzureFiles

Die Microsoft Inspire geht zu Ende und im Azure Blog wurde gestern noch ein weiteres Produkt zur allgemeinen Verfügbarkeit freigegeben – Azure File Sync!

Mit Azure File Sync lassen sich Fileserver über Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg über Azure Files synchronisieren. Wir hatten bereits über die Funktionalität in verschiedenen Blogeinträgen berichtet die unter Verweise verlinkt sind.

In diesem Artikel gehe ich auf die Änderungen und Weiterentwicklungen im Vergleich zur Public Preview ein.

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