Tag Archives: Konferenzen

Cloud Identity Summit 2023 Recap

Our 4th edition of the Cloud Identity Summit 2023 is over and it was a blast to meet all this great speaker and the Identity Community this year virtual and in-person in Koblenz.

This year we were kindly provided with the location by the Debeka Innovation Center (DICE) which is located near the University of Koblenz and close to the Moselle. The location is a designed as a open space to enable new thinking and new technologies which is a perfect match for our Cloud Identity Summit.

The 4th edition offered 10 sessions in two parall tracks, divided into Identity Security and Identity Management and it was really a pleasure to see this big identity experience in the different Identity topics on this day live at our conference. The speakers who made the extra journey to the event can certainly be called who as who of the identity scene. Therefore, at this point I would like to thank you explicitly, because without you this event would not have been possible:

  • Sefallah Tagrerout and Jean-Francois (Jeff) Aprea – Securing your Azure Ad with our Zero Trust Approach!
  • Jan Vidar Elven – Monitoring and Reporting on Activities and Security in Microsoft Entra Azure AD
  • Fabian Bader – From (tier) zero to cloud hero: How to pwn Azure AD from on-prem
  • Kenneth van Sarksum – Implementing and building advanced Microsoft Entra Id Conditional Access scenarios
  • Christopher Brumm – Walk the walk – explore ways to ensure strong authentication in real life scenarios
  • Sfefan van der Wiele – Walk the walk – explore ways to ensure strong authentication in real life scenarios
  • Daniel Krzyczkowski – The future of customer identity with Microsoft Entra
  • Nicki Borell – Azure AD Identity Governance – What do your users do with their access
  • Sander Berkouwer and Raymond Comvalius – Just apply the basics in your Azure AD tenant!
  • Anton Staykov – Seamless cross-tenant application access with Entra Azure AD Cross-Tenant sync

Koblenz is the hometown of Thomas Naunheim therefore we had also recommendations for sightseeing tips, city walks and Restaurants and start to meet the speaker on Wednesday in a Restaurant close to the Rhine and the Deutsche Eck (German Corner). After our great dinner, we made a short city walk to the Deutsche Eck and after this to a final beer for a good preperation for our conference on Thursday.

We started our hybrid conference a little late with a strong focus on the in-person experience and also broadcast the Sessions live to the world via teams.

In my estimation it was a complete success due to four factors:

  • Which is thanks to the great speakers who share their knowledge with great pleasure
  • The on-site participants who brought a lot of fun and made the sessions interactive, through their numerous questions
  • The great help of our team which made sure that the speakers and participants felt comfortable
  • Our great sponsors (adesso SE and glückkanja-gab AG) without whom this event would not have been possible for many reasons

We hope that the conference meet the expectations from our attendees and will plan for 2024 and we really want your Feedback for good and not so good thinks. The really goal of this conference it´s a conference from the community for the community. So gave us your feedback for a better Cloud Identity Summit in 2024!

Speaking at Experts Live Netherlands 2023 about Mastering Defender for Servers

I´m really happy to announce that I will speak at the Experts Live Netherlands 2023 Spring edition. The last one was the 10th annivesary edition in Fall last year. The Experts Live Netherlands is one of the biggest Experts Live conferences next to Experts Live Europe and because of the big Experts Live Europe will take place this year in autumn, the Orga Team decided to organize the 11 edition in spring.

Contents [show]

Session overview

This year, my session will be about the Mastering Defender for Servers. In this session I will focus on Defender for Servers to protect servers across hybrid and multicloud environments. So I dived into the different plans, feature sets, deployment methods and more. Futhermore I show as a side note the new Defender for CSPM Plan and explore how agentless scan methods works. Deploy defender for servers at scale will complete the view and enable the attendees to mastering defender for servers.


I like the idea behind the Experts Live community and really looking forward to see many community members there, greats friends again and certainly make new contacts.
This year the edition is with 1,200 registrations sold out. The Keynote will be held by Dona Sarkar. So it is worth to be there

About Experts Live Netherlands

Experts Live is an international Microsoft community platform focusing on knowledge sharing through live events.

Every year Experts Live Netherlands organizes a large-scale one-day event where more than 1200+ IT Pros and Developers gain knowledge of Microsoft technology. National and international community experts update visitors on the latest Microsoft technologies in one day.


It was a pleasure to speak at 11th edition of the Experts Live Netherlands. With more then 1200 attendees is was one of my biggest in-person conferences in the last couple of months. Thanks to the organizers and sponsors who made this possible!

You can find the slides from my talk about Mastering Defender for Servers here. Please keep in mind that this slides was only for the Experts Live Event and I will improve the session based on the Feedback from the attendees.

My favorite Microsoft Ignite 2022 Fall Highlights

After the pandemic beguns Microsoft switched the both big conference Microsoft Build and Microsoft Ignite to virtual only events. The Ignite was two times a year in 2020 and 2021. For 2022 it was long time not clear will it go back to an in-person event or still stay as a virtual event.

The Microsoft Ignite 2022 has start 2 hours ago as an hybrid event delivered from Seattle with 6 Spotlight events around the globe and delivered as before virtually. I’m a little disappointed because a lot of the content is pre-recorded and even great speakers like Donovan Brown don’t hold their sessions live in Seattle but are only shown there virtually as well.

In this article I will share the important announcements from my perspective from the Microsoft Ignite 2022. Most of you know me as an Azure Governance, (Hybrid) Infrastructure and Security guy, so please forgive me for focusing on these things.

Continue reading My favorite Microsoft Ignite 2022 Fall Highlights

Upcoming Community conferences in the 1st Half of 2020

One of the great things about IT is that you learn something new every day, discuss new solutions or possibilities with other people and have a wide range of options. And there are many conferences throughout the year that you can use to expand your network and learn from other people how to implement and use the various services. I enjoy attending conferences, discussing solutions with the participants, learning from the participants and sharing my knowledge about the services.

In the first half of 2020 there are so many conferences right now announced. I think this is a good point to share a list of all upcoming conferences. This is a list of conferences from all about Europe that I know about. Some are free, some of this need a small fee to cover all the related thinks, like catering, drinks and so one. Take a look of the upcoming conferences and identify some in an area near you, register and grow your network.

Continue reading Upcoming Community conferences in the 1st Half of 2020

Wo ihr mich findet – Community Konferenzen HJ2/2019

Das 1. Halbjahr 2019 ist schon wieder vorüber und das ging wieder wahnsinnig schnell. Nun gehen wir mit großen Schritten auf das Jahresende zu. Zeit für ein kleines Update, auf welchen Community Events ihr mich in der 2. Jahreshälfte finden könnt.

Wenn ihr zufällig auch dort seid, sprecht mich doch gern an, Zeit für eine Tasse Bier ist immer vorhanden 😉

Continue reading Wo ihr mich findet – Community Konferenzen HJ2/2019

Speaking at Experts Live Netherlands – Slides Available

ExpertsLive Netherlands 2019 - Conference CenterDenBosch
ExpertsLive Netherlands 2019 – Conference CenterDenBosch

I´m very proud about my invitation to the IT conference Experts Live Netherlands on 6. June. This is my first session on a Experts Live Event and I´m really happy to speak at those great conference. I will hold my session about Azure File Sync – Your cloud file server and will also update my slides and the demo to the latest new Azure stuff. There are some news about availability and functionality of this great Azure offering.

Continue reading Speaking at Experts Live Netherlands – Slides Available

CIMLingen Sessioninhalte zu #AzureFileSync – Dein Cloud Fileserver

Am Samstag hatte ich das Vergnügen auf der diesjährigen CIMLingen eine Session zu AzureFileSync zu halten.

CIM Lingen 2018 – AFS Session Picture from Martin 2 cut

Die CIMLingen ist in den letzten Jahren ein regelmäßiger Termin in meinem Kalender und um so schöner ist es, wenn ich als Speaker einen Teil zur Community beitragen darf.

Mir hat die Session großen Spaß gemacht und auch wenn ich dieses Jahr nur kurz bleiben konnte, so freue ich mich bereits auf die Jubiläums- CIM im nächsten Jahr.

Anbei die Folien zu meiner Session: AzureFileSync – Dein Cloud Fileserver

Und nicht vergessen, die Jubiläums CIMLingen findet am 13. und 14.09.2019 statt 🙂


Die Aufzeichnung meiner AzureFileSync Session auf der CIMLingen ist nun Online. Leider ist das Bild erst ab der 3. Minute verfügbar. Viel Spaß beim ansehen 🙂

#Azure Speaker Ankündigungen für 2. Halbjahr

In den letzten Wochen kamen zahlreiche positive Nachrichten von verschiedenen Events, an denen ich als Sprecher teilnehmen darf und so etwas zur großartigen Community beitragen kann. Das hat mich riesig gefreut.

Noch mehr würde es mich freuen, den ein oder anderen dort zu sehen! 😊

Daher liste ich hier mal auf, auf welchen Veranstaltungen ihr mich im 2. Halbjahr 2018 findet werdet:

Continue reading #Azure Speaker Ankündigungen für 2. Halbjahr