Azure AMA – Azure Virtual Desktop Best Practices #AVD with Marcel Meurer and Patrick Koehler

German below I know it’s been a little quiet on new blog articles the last few months, but that’s due to other community topics I’m working on. One of my new projects is the Azure Ask my Anything Live format that I will be hosting with my team at Azure Bonn Live on YouTube and …

Speaking with Thomas Naunheim at GermanyClouds Meetup about Azure Governance Best Practices

In the past Thomas Naunheim and I do a lot of architecture and designing prinicple for integrating Azure in company environments. We have the idea to create a Azure Governance Best Practices session in the last couple of months to give the community our insights and best practices for Starting/Integrating Azure environments. The goal is …

IdentitySummit 2020 is over – Thank you

Our 1st IdentitySummit is over and we had a amazing Summit with our powerfull Speakers and our attendees. We (Azure Bonn Orga Team) started planning the Summit in March 2020. The Orga Team from the AzureBonn Meetup consists of Melanie Eibl, Thomas Naunheim and René de la Motte. The idea came from Thomas (our Identity …

CDC Germany 2019

My upcoming Community engagements in 2nd half of 2020

These times are challenging and I hope everyone is safe and healthy. Normally we have a lot of in person community conference, but actually we move a lot of this community meetings to online meetings. The good thing is we have more time for our family and need lees time for driving and so on. …

Global Azure Virtual 2020 is close including two sessions from me

Time has changed, and the actual situation around the globe has shifted many personally events to virtual events. Global Azure (formerly known as Global Azure Bootcamp) has also transformed the personally meetings around the globe into purely virtual events. This has prompted many community organizers to make their events virtual. The Global Azure Team decided …

CDC Germany 2019

Upcoming Community conferences in the 1st Half of 2020

One of the great things about IT is that you learn something new every day, discuss new solutions or possibilities with other people and have a wide range of options. And there are many conferences throughout the year that you can use to expand your network and learn from other people how to implement and …

Rückblick 2019 + Ausblick 2020

Das Jahr 2019 neigt sich dem Ende und damit ein ereignisreiches, vielfältiges und spannendes Jahrzehnt. Viele von uns genießen die Weihnachtsferien im Kreise der Familie und bereiten bereits die Silversterparty vor. 2019 war schon ein tolles und vielseitiges Jahr und das sowohl aus beruflicher und privater Sicht. In diesem Artikel möchte ich einen kleinen Rückblick …

CIM Lingen 2018 - AFS Session Picture from Martin 2 cut

Wo ihr mich findet – Community Konferenzen HJ2/2019

Das 1. Halbjahr 2019 ist schon wieder vorüber und das ging wieder wahnsinnig schnell. Nun gehen wir mit großen Schritten auf das Jahresende zu. Zeit für ein kleines Update, auf welchen Community Events ihr mich in der 2. Jahreshälfte finden könnt. Wenn ihr zufällig auch dort seid, sprecht mich doch gern an, Zeit für eine …