MCTGlobal Summit – AFS and WAC Session slides

What a month, after I speak on Cloud Camp in Dublin last week, I have the pleasure to hold a session at the MCT Global Summit in Phantasialand Brühl near Cologne.

The MCT Global Summit is a one week conference and a place where a lots of Microsoft Trainer can be meet. So you have the chance to discuss your challenges and ideas with a lot of experts. 

I have the pleasure to hold a session about Windows Admin Center – The nextgen Servermanagement on Tuesday and, a day later, a Session to Azure File Sync – Your Cloud Fileserver.

MCT Summit - Azure File Sync Session
MCT Summit – Azure File Sync Session

Both session was with some discussion and a lots of questions. Thank you for joing my session on the great MCT Global Summit 2018. Wish you a great week and hope to see you on the next year again.

MCT Summit - Phantasialand
MCT Summit – Phantasialand

Windows Admin Center Session

Here you find the slides for my Windows Admin Center Session. Below there is a list of sources that I have used, to prepare my session.

Azure File Sync Session

The slides for my Azure File Sync session are ready for download on Github.

Below you can find the sources that I´ve used for preparing my Azure File Sync session.


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