Tag Archives: Azure Security

How I passed the Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect exam SC-100 and why I am now a Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect Expert

Three months ago on 7th of April Microsoft announce a new exam for security architects and introduce again the existing exams SC-200, SC-300, AZ-500 and MS-500. The article contains the new announcement of the new exam SC-100 to become Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect.

I took the Microsoft Cybersecurity Beta exam #SC100 and got yesterday the confirmation that I passed the exam. This is great news for me as it confirms that I am gaining a better and better knowledge in Azure Security topics.

In this article I will introduce the exam, how to get the Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect Expert award and which materials I used to prepare for the exam.

Continue reading How I passed the Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect exam SC-100 and why I am now a Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect Expert

Azure AMA – Azure Virtual Desktop Best Practices #AVD with Marcel Meurer and Patrick Koehler

German below

I know it’s been a little quiet on new blog articles the last few months, but that’s due to other community topics I’m working on. One of my new projects is the Azure Ask my Anything Live format that I will be hosting with my team at Azure Bonn Live on YouTube and Linkedin. I’m excited to announce that we’re kicking off this year with an Azure AMA on Azure Virtual Desktop Best Practices, and we have the pleasure of welcoming Marcel Meurer and Patrick Koehler to this session. Marcel and Patrick are two Azure MVPs and do a lot of work in the AVD community. Marcel is known as the brains behind the WVDAdmin and Project Hydra products, which are services to automate all things Azure Virtual Desktop. Patrick has also been active in the AVD community for many years with great sessions and insights about AVD and is the organizer of AVD TechFest together with Simon Binder.

Azure AMA – Azure Virtual Desktop Best Practices will take place live on Youtube on February 14, 2022. You can register for this event via our Azure Bonn page. Please note that this is a live AMA session and we would love for you to join us live and bring your questions to the session. If you don’t have time this time, please use our Microsoft forms to submit your questions before the session starts. The session will be held in German, but you can also ask your questions in English.


Continue reading Azure AMA – Azure Virtual Desktop Best Practices #AVD with Marcel Meurer and Patrick Koehler

Speaking at Scottish Summit 2021 about Azure Policy and Azure Security Center

I am pleased to have received an invitation to speak at the upcoming Scottish Summit 2021. The Scottish Summit was estabhlished in 2020. This year the conference is becoming an online-only conference and will be streamed on all social media channels. The conference itself is growing into a really big conference with many parallel tracks with different language. The main conference starts on Saturday 27/02/21 and there will be many sessions on Microsoft Cloud services (like Azure, M365 and so on).

Azure Governance is an important topic for any customer using cloud resources. In my session, I will show the power of Azure Policy and Azure Security Center to define guardrails for your Azure environment and bring it into a compliant and secure state. I will go live with my session at Saturday 27/02/21 starting 1PM. If you are interested in how Azure Policy and Azure Security Center work together and how these services are handled, please feel free to join my session and ask questions.

There are quite a few Microsoft Cloud sessions planned for the Conference. Go to the website, plan your agenda and grab your ticket. There’s also an App available for iOS and Android. I hope to see you there.

Speaking at Azure Saturday Hamburg 2021 together with Thomas Naunheim

In the past Thomas Naunheim (Thomas Blog) and I have worked on several Cloud projects focusing on Azure Governance and Enterprise Scale. We decided to create a session together to integrate the best of both worlds and our experiences and recommendations from the field.

Our agenda:

  • Overview of Cloud Adoption Framework
  • Overview of Well-architecture Framework
  • Management of Compliance and Security Status
  • Azure Enterprise-Scale Landing Zone
  • Azure Ops: “Operationalize” Azure environment at scale

We are very happy to announce that our session was accepted by the Azure Saturday Hamburg Team on 20/02/2021. The Azure Saturday Hamburg is a full, free Azure conference day with lot of great sessions. The event will have two different tracks and the first speakers and sessions have been announced. Take a look at the agenda and sign up for this great conference across different sessions from the Azure Cosmos.

Continue reading Speaking at Azure Saturday Hamburg 2021 together with Thomas Naunheim

Azure VM Best Practices

Last year Gregor Suttie and Richard Hooper launched the Azure Advent Calendar and I got to support with a session on Azure Bastion. This year they improved on the idea with the Festive Tech Calendar. I’m happy to be back with an article on Azure VM best practices. I hope you find the article helpful and I would appreciate feedback.

Over the past few months, I have conducted many customer workshops, designed and implemented Landing Zones, and migrated or placed VMs into Azure. One of the most common customer questions has been about best practices for Azure VMs to maximize performance and efficiency, minimize costs, increase security, and reduce management overhead. This article is based on my real-world experience and recommendations based on several Azure projects.

Continue reading Azure VM Best Practices

Azure Files enabled AD DS SMB authentication Best Practices and all you need to know

02/03/2022 Update 1

There are some improvements and changes in the AzFilesHybrid module, I updated the article with this changes.

The Azure Files Teams announced the availability of joining Azure Fileshares to AD DS since February 2020. This brings a lot of new possibilites, like to move Fileservers directly to a hosted SMB solution or deploy WVD Profiles directly on Azure Fileshares.

Microsoft did a lot of work to bring this solutions to live, but there are some challenges and pitfalls to activate and maintain the service. In this article I will go in a short way over all related considerations for Azure Fileshares AD DS authentication. Please note this article only focus to enable Azure Files for Active Directory Domain Services – not Azure AD or Azure AD DS.

Continue reading Azure Files enabled AD DS SMB authentication Best Practices and all you need to know

Speaking with Thomas Naunheim at GermanyClouds Meetup about Azure Governance Best Practices

In the past Thomas Naunheim and I do a lot of architecture and designing prinicple for integrating Azure in company environments. We have the idea to create a Azure Governance Best Practices session in the last couple of months to give the community our insights and best practices for Starting/Integrating Azure environments. The goal is to give you insights, where you can find the best documentations to start with a Cloud journey and which technical Azure features help to bring and hold your environment in an compliant and secure state.

The session contains the following topics:

  • Cloud Adoption Framework
  • Well-architecture Framework
  • Insights about Azure Policies and Azure Security Center
  • Azure Enterprise Scale architecture
  • Azure Ops
  • Identity and Access Management

We are exited to hold the session at the GermanyClouds Meetup on november 26. Did you interested in this topics or you are in the beginning or implementig phase, join us. We will happy to see you there and get your questions.

The session will not been recorded.

Azure Bastion now supports VNET Peering

Update 2 on 01/12/2021

Microsoft has changed the #AzureBastion minimum subnet size from /27 to /26. Installed #Azure Bastion are unaffected, but new deployments require the new subnet size. Please remember this. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bastion/bastion-faq#subnet

Update – 12/2020

Azure Bastion is now available in West Germany Central.

Azure Bastion is a service to avoid deployment own Jumphosts and reach Azure VMs over the Management Ports (SSH and RDP) in a secure way without the need to assign Public IPs directly to Azure VMs.

Azure Bastion got a really big improvement and now supports Azure VNET Peering. This includes all VNET peering models, inside a single subscription and VNET peering across different subscriptions.

Continue reading Azure Bastion now supports VNET Peering

IdentitySummit 2020 is over – Thank you

Our 1st IdentitySummit is over and we had a amazing Summit with our powerfull Speakers and our attendees.

We (Azure Bonn Orga Team) started planning the Summit in March 2020. The Orga Team from the AzureBonn Meetup consists of Melanie Eibl, Thomas Naunheim and René de la Motte. The idea came from Thomas (our Identity Expert) and we can say that was a wonderful idea.

We meet together at the Debeka Innovation Center (DICE) in Koblenz to organize and streaming all the sessions from one central place. The current Corona situation has unfortunately not made a complete live event possible, so we have met under the rules in force to ensure a smooth process and bring a little live feeling.

Now after 6 session in 2 parallel Tracks we can say it was worth every minute of planning – Why?

The answer is simple: First of all because of our great speakers. Each session was planned with a minimum of 300, and each session went deep into the relevant topics, showing what needs to be considered, the pitfalls and best practices available.

Continue reading IdentitySummit 2020 is over – Thank you

Howto setup and monitor Break Glass Accounts in your Tenant

09/07/2024 – Update 2

Microsoft enforce since 1st of July 2024 the need for Multifactor Authentication if a account access the Azure Portal. This also affects Break Glass accounts when the will use to access the Azure Portal. To reflect this new requirements classic Breakglass Accounts which only have a password enabled for login will won`t work after the rollout.

Microsoft recommend to use FIDO2 or certificate based authentication for these accounts. I`ve updated the article to enable FIDO2 for Breakglass accounts.

19/01/2022 – Update 1

I´ve updated the article because the actual sign-in query only logs all login attempts of the break glass account (successfully, unsuccessfully, etc.) . I added the different IDs so that you can setup the alert mail based on a indivudal filter. Thank you goes out to Eric Soldierer for this note. I also updated some changed services that had left their preview status.

In the past I do a lot of Azure Governance workshop and one interesting topic is how to handle the Break Glass Account. Before we going deeper, first we take a look was is the Break Glass Account. For each Administrator role in Azure or Office365 is it best practice to use MFA to secure the account and get a better security for the Tenant. To realize this, normally we use Conditional Access and create a rule, that every Admin require MFA for login. But what can we do, when:

  • the MFA service is down
  • we create a Conditinal Access that with a wrong rule set and lost sign-in access
  • we do not regulary update our control list and the admin account goes lost

For this cases we need a Break glass account, an additional account with a high security password, to enter the Tenant in an emergeny case. For this account, there are some recommendations:

  • only use a generic account
  • create a complex password with more than 16 characters
  • use a seperate FIDO2 key for every breakglass account
  • up to 256 characters possible – the limit of 16 character is removed
  • for compliance reason divide the password into two parts
  • save each part in a different location
  • create a security group that contains the break glass accounts
  • create two break glass accounts with no standard username like breakglass@ or emergency
  • use the Tenant name for the account
  • do not use a custom domain name
  • in futher it will be possible to use FIDO2 security key for break glass (right now is in preview and not recommended for such critical scenario)

Now we can discuss in some ways a security gap – a service account with Global admin rights that do not require MFA for login. The use of a generic name can be a risk and the usage of this account most be transparenet for every tenant admin. Now you see, why it is so important to monitor this accounts and get notified when they will be used for login.

Continue reading Howto setup and monitor Break Glass Accounts in your Tenant