Speaking at Cloud Brew 2022 about Azure Arc

After many hybrid events in the last few years I really like to get back to in-person or hybrid events to see the community live at the events and discuss and learn from each other about different projects and meet some new people.

About the Cloud Brew

One of my favorite conference in 2019 was the Cloud Brew in Belgium, it was a great conference because of different things:

  • Great list of speakers and sessions
  • Deep dive technical sessions
  • Big community from around europe
  • One of the biggest Azure related conference in belgium
  • Great place in the beautiful former brewery Lamot

The Cloud Brew 2022 will take place from 18/11/ – 19/11/2022 in Lamot, Mechelen in Belgium. There are some free seats available.

About my session

I am very happy to be invited again to this great conference and to have the opportunity to give a session about Hybrid- and Multi- Cloud Server Management with Azure Arc.

Cloud Brew 2022

In my session I will talk about the possibilites with Azure Arc and will focus that Servers and Virtual Machine are a big part of every IT environment. We will dive into the many aspects of Azure Arc, how you can enroll Azure Arc, how you can manage and enable existing Azure services like Site Recovery, Backup or Microsoft Defender for Cloud on Server outside of Azure.
This session will introduce all aspects of Azure Arc and how this service helps to central manage your servers from one single point of view.

I hope to see many of you there and feel free to tap me – I always open for a talk and a cup of beer:)


The CloudBrew 2022 is over and it was a pleasure to be invited again to this great confrence. I had a lot of fun talking with the attendees about different solutions, meet so many great community speaker and also a great time with Eric Berg.

Thanks for joining my session on Hybrid and Multi Cloud Server Management with Azure Arc. I´ve uploaded my slides here:

Conferences/2211 CloudBrew – Hybrid Server Management with Azure Arc by Gregor Reimling.pdf at master · GregorReimling/Conferences · GitHub

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