How I successfully passed the MS Defender for Cloud Ninja training and how the security community helped me

One of my goal this year was to work more and more with the Microsoft security solutions and got deeper into the different services and possibilities. My focus on this is to get a better understanding how we can secure our Hybrid Cloud environment with the different Microsoft defender products.

About the Microsoft Security Community

Anyone who wants to learn more about the Microsoft Security products and roadmap needs to join this open community. Being part of this community is a great way to receive invitations to private previews and information about new products. After you are accepted into the community, you will receive invitations to new product webinars and previews. A really great benefit is that you will be invited to a Teams channel where you can have direct contact with security team members and discuss new features and services.

The interaction with the Security Community Team and the different webinars around the different solution helps me to get a better understanding about the integration and make good decision in tricky scenarios.

About the MS Defender for Cloud Nina Training

The Microsoft Defender for Cloud Ninja Training consist of several trainings to become a Cloud Ninja for the Microsoft Defender products. It will be updated every month from the Microsoft Security Team and gives you deep training ressources for every available Service in the Microsoft Defender for Cloud space. When you will get deep knowledge on this Security products, this training and his ressources are the best way to start with.

In order to pass the exam successfully, at least 24 correct answers (80%) are required from the 30 questions asked.

I am really glad that I could successfully complete this certification from Microsoft Security Team.

Thanks Tom Janetscheck and Linnet Kariuki for your support!


Ein Kommentar

  1. Great achievement, Gregor. I’m glad you passed the exam, and many thanks for this shout out! Way to go on your onward journey of making the cloud a safer place!

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