Hello folks, last week I had the pleasure to hold an Session about Azure File Sync on my first international conference as Speaker in Dublin.

The Cloud Camp was a really great conference, well organised by Aidan Finn und his Team. Specially John makes a really good job and gave us a lot information about arrival, times and some tipps for Dublin.
My session about Azure File Sync has many attendees and I was a little bit nervous, sorry for that. The session, the networking and the conversations with the attendees was really great and there was some good discussions about limits, functionallity and migrate scenarios.
It was a pleasure for me to hold a Session on the Cloud Camp in Dublin.
Thanks Aidan and Microwarehouse for inviting me and having me there. Hope to see you next year again 🙂

You find my slides here : Cloud Camp 2018 – Azure File Sync Session Slides
Here are the direct links to the documentation and some MSIgnite videos about Azure File Sync:
- Planning for an Azure File Sync deployment
- Manage registered Servers with Azure File Sync
- Release notes for the Azure File Sync agent
- Introducing backup for Azure Fileshares
- Feedback for Azure File Sync Productgroup
- MSIgnite 2018 – A new era of Azure Files: bigger, faster, better
- MSIgnite 2018 – Azure Files & Azure File Sync technical foundation
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