The new Azure Update Manager is GA – Part 2 – How it works and the valuable new features

In the first part of this article (Three-big-reasons-to-migrate-to-update-manager-and-forget-the-classic-update-management-center) I dived into the improvements and reasons why Micrsoft introduce Azure Update Manager as a successor of the classic Update Management Center solution based on Azure Automation. In this part, I will explain how it works and what major improvements and new functions the Azure Update Manager …

Bing Image Creatore - Defender for Cloud granular pricing by Bing Image Creator

Enable granular pricing for Defender for Servers P1 or P2 on specific resources within your subscription via API/Powershell

Microsoft model for a scalable Cloud Adtoption is based on the Enterprise Scale Architecture and I think this is a scalable and useful modell for every customer that uses Azure ressources. It´s based on the definition to granulary devide the workloads in different subscriptions and gives via Management Groups the possibility to group this differnent …

Simple Steps to deactive Hyper-threading in Azure VMs via registry settings

How to deactivate Hyper-threading on Azure VMs in an easy way without Microsoft support

In my current project we have the requirement to deactivate Hyper-threading on some Azure VMs. There are some Azure VMs available without Hyper-threading which can be found on the Azure compute unit site where Microsoft published a table with VM SKUs sizes where the „vCPU: Core“ give a hint about VMs which are not having …

The new Azure Update Manager is GA Part 1 – three big reasons to migrate to Update Center and forget the classic Update Management Center

Microsoft released a completely new designed Update solution for Azure which supports VMs running in Hybrid- and Cloud-only environments with the name Azure Update Manager (formerly known as Update Management Center). This new solution is completely new and not based on the Azure Automation solution. The Azure Automation solution is based on the Microsoft Monitoring …

Cloud Identity Summit 2023 Recap

Our 4th edition of the Cloud Identity Summit 2023 is over and it was a blast to meet all this great speaker and the Identity Community this year virtual and in-person in Koblenz. This year we were kindly provided with the location by the Debeka Innovation Center (DICE) which is located near the University of …

Microsoft Defender for CSPM is GA – Information about activation, billing and new pricing information

Microsoft announced with Defender for Cloud Security Posture Management a new plan in the Defender for Cloud product family which focuses on a central view on the security posture of the customer. In this article I will give a overview about which topics Defender for CSPM covers, how it will be enabled and how the …

Microsoft MVP for Azure for 2023-2024 (5th year in a row) and 1st time MVP for Security

Every year on July 1, the MVP renewal process takes place and Microsoft notifies us on that day if we will be awarded another year as an MVP based on our contributions. So most of the MVPs look into their inboxes and wait for the mail notification. Some colleagues call the day the F5 day, …

Speaking at Experts Live Netherlands 2023 about Mastering Defender for Servers

I´m really happy to announce that I will speak at the Experts Live Netherlands 2023 Spring edition. The last one was the 10th annivesary edition in Fall last year. The Experts Live Netherlands is one of the biggest Experts Live conferences next to Experts Live Europe and because of the big Experts Live Europe will take …

Azure Firewall Basic SKU is now GA

Microsoft announces with the Azure Firewall Standard and Premium two native Firewall Services available as PaaS solution what are a great benefit to classic Firewall deployments, because of native Autoscaling Features, no need for VM Management and more. Unfortunately the price was to high for SMBs, with 900€ for the Standard and over 1200€ for …

Awarded with the Defender for Cloud Black Belt for 2022

Between the days I got the notification from Microsoft that I was awarded the Microsoft Defender for Cloud Black Belt. Microsoft announced this award with the beginning of 2022 as a new award for contributors in the Microsoft Security Community and define different criterias to get this award. This badge is awarded to our members …