Passed Azure Administrator Associate Exam Az-104

I reveived a cool mail some days ago with an information, that I had passed successful the new Azure Administrator Exam Az-104 and get the renewal of the Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate. Two years ago Microsoft released the first new Rolebased exams with the Az-100/Az-101. I´ve passed both exams, but the exams are only …

How I pass the Azure Security Exam Az-500

In the past I have taken several Azure exams, and yesterday I took the Azure Security exam Az-500. I am really glad that I passed the exam. In this article I will give you a brief overview of the topics I saw in the exam and what materials I used to prepare for the exam. …

New Azure Database and DataAnalyst Exams Available DA-100 & DP-300

Short notice: In the last days Microsoft announced two new exams in the Microsoft learning blog for the data area. General The two new exams are: DA-100 – Analyzing data with Power BI DP-300 – Administering relational database on Microsoft Azure Both exams are released as beta exam. This means that the first 300 people …

Überblick Az 300 Az 400 Prüfungen

Azure Exam AZ-300 und Az-400 – Überblick und Tipps zur Vorbereitung

Neben den bereits vorgestellten Prüfungen für die Zertifizierung zum Azure Administrator Associate bestehend aus Az-100 und Az-101 oder der Transitionprüfung Az-102 gibt es noch zwei weitere, neue Azure Zertifizierungen. Zum einen die Zertifizierung Azure Administrator Solutions Architect und die Az.400 als Azure DevOps Prüfung. Dieser Artikel stellt beide Zertifizierungen vor, gibt einen Überblick über die …