New Azure Exams Az-303 and Az-304 are available (replacement for Az-300/301)

In one of the last blog article on the old Microsoft Community Learning site was announced the new Azure exams Az-303 and Az-304 as beta. Why the last blog article, because they move the blog and all related content to a new page at TechCommunity.



The new Azure exams Az-303 and Az-304 are replacements for the existing Az-300 and Az-301. This exams will be retired on 30.09.20. Did you learn right now for the Az-300 or Az-301 proof a movement to the new exam. To earn the Azure solutions architect expert certifications you can mix the old and new exams.

  • Az-300 and Az-301 = Azure solutions architect expert
  • Az-300 and Az-304 = Azure solutions architect expert
  • Az-301 and Az-303 = Azure solutions architect expert
  • Az-303 and Az-304 = Azure solutions architect expert

The new exams will be replace the existing exams, because the Role based exams are valid for for two years after pass. If you have successfully passed the exams Az-300 and Az-301 and earned the Azure solutions architect expert certificate, you must renew with the new exams to get another two years.

Preparing for the new exams

To prepare for the exam, first look at the skills tested in the respective certificate document – you can find the links in the links section. To pass the exam practice each section and use the available study guides to learn and get more practice for the important sections.

Microsoft Learn

When you need more knowledge and deeper understanding of Azure take a look at the Microsoft Learn site. The formerly Microsoft learning site and all of the content was migrated to Microsoft Learn. The new central learning platform for all Microsoft services. There you can find good Azure cources for each section of the exam.


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