With the announcement of the next Windows Server release, called Windows Server 2025, Microsoft decided to organize the next Windows Server Engineering Summit. The Windows Server Summit 2024 will take place March 26-28, 2024, 8 AM – 4 PM Pacific Time with many sessions around Windows Server solutions.
I´m happy to be invited to hold two sessions, which I think are really important and value from Management and Migration purposes.
In my current project we have the requirement to deactivate Hyper-threading on some Azure VMs. There are some Azure VMs available without Hyper-threading which can be found on the Azure compute unit site where Microsoft published a table with VM SKUs sizes where the “vCPU: Core” give a hint about VMs which are not having HT integrated. But this sizes are very limited and we have some requirements from licensing side to disable Hyper-threading and there also some applications which have a better performance when HT is disabled.
After many hybrid events in the last few years I really like to get back to in-person or hybrid events to see the community live at the events and discuss and learn from each other about different projects and meet some new people.
About the Cloud Brew
One of my favorite conference in 2019 was the Cloud Brew in Belgium, it was a great conference because of different things:
Great list of speakers and sessions
Deep dive technical sessions
Big community from around europe
One of the biggest Azure related conference in belgium
Added some details about v. which fixes a security issue.
Microsoft released a major update of Azure AD Connect. This major release brings a lots of new features and requirements for the local infrastructure. In this article I will cover the latest information and how you can upgrade to the new release.
The new version 2 of Azure AD Connect was released on 20/07/2021 and bring the product to the version the lastet release of version 1 was Microsoft found a security issue in and and updated the Azure AD Connect v2 to
Microsoft released also an update for AAD Connect v1 and brings it to This is for customers who running an older version of Windows Server who can not upgrade to WS 2016 and fixes an security issue in
The Cloud usage grows in the last years rapidly, but in many customer environments we had servers and applications they can´t migrate to the cloud about different reasons. There are many reasons why applications can not migrated to the cloud e.g. data regulations, connections and latency challenges and more. On the other hand customers whish to use different cloud providers. In summary the hybrid cloud is one of the most use cases in many customer environments. Microsoft released Azure Arc as a solution for hybrid cloud environments. Azure Arc was announced as public preview at Ignite 2019 and going GA on Ignite 2020.
In this article I will cover how connect Windows VMs to Azure Arc.
Azure Arc in General
Azure Arc is a solution to extend the Azure management capabilitites to services outside of Azure. This gives the possibilites to manage different services, in different environments from one central place with same capabilities across different services layers.
Microsoft release the first version for Server management and has since expanded the range of functions over Dataservices, Kubernetes and new since some days Azure applications.
The recording of the session is now available on Youtube. I have added the link at the end of the article.
I am glad to announce that I was invited as a speaker to the Cloudeight conference. This is the 3rd edition of this conference and the conference is grown to a really big conference with a lots of great speakers and sessions. The conference itself was founded by Drago Petrovic as a free community driven conference.
I am very exited to deliver a session on 7 tips you need to know to use Azure File Sync perfectly. Azure File Sync is a perfect service to sync file servers across enterprise boundaries through a central Azure Fileshare. In this session, I will share the best practices to use Azure File Sync perfectly based on my real-world experience. I will cover the following topics:
Am vergangenen Freitag hatte ich das Vergnügen zu Gast beim Geeksprech Podcast von meinen Community Freunden Eric Berg und Alexander Benoit zu sein.
In der Folge gehen wir auf die vielfältigen Themen zu Azure Files ein. Dazu gehören natürlich u.a. die neuen Tiering Modelle, wie ich Azure Fileshares bereitstelle, welche Vorteile Azure File Sync mir bietet und wie ich vorhandene Fileserver nach Azure migriere und dort weiterhin die vorhandenen Windows ACLs nutzen kann. Sharepoint kam übrigens auch mehrfach zur Sprache – ich kann mich einfach nicht davon trennen 🙂
Es war mein erster Podcast und ich muss sagen, es war eine tolle Erfahrung und ich hatte viel Spaß mit Eric zu den verschiedenen Themen rund um Azure Files.
Wer reinhören mag findet unten die Folge. Weitere Spannende Folgen und viele Infos findet ihr direkt auf der Geeksprech Podcast Website.
Microsoft has changed the #AzureBastion minimum subnet size from /27 to /26. Installed #Azure Bastion are unaffected, but new deployments require the new subnet size. Please remember this. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bastion/bastion-faq#subnet
I updated the article based on the latest information around Azure Bastion. One big announcement is the support for peered VNETs for Azure Bastion – this is also integrated in this article. Please feel free to share and comment 🙂
Azure Bastion is a new service to reaches Azure VMs in a secure way without needing a Jump host in the same VNET or to publish an Public IP for a VM. Many customers using Public IPs to reach VMs (Windows and Linux) in Test and Dev environment. Please avoid managing Azure VMs over a Public IP, this is unsecure – use Azure Bastion.
The Microsoft Ignite is running since Monday and in this blog post I will give you a short overview about the new announcement in the range of Azure services.
To each service you have a headline link to additional information on the Microsoft Azure blog article or the update site. Did you have any questions about this announcements, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Don´t miss our MsIgnite Azure Recap Meetups in Thueringen and Bonn. Information about the Meetups at the end of the article.
Im Vorfeld zur Ignite wurde vor ein paar Tagen eine kleine Überraschung im Azure Blog angekündigt: Announcing the general availability of larger, more powerful standard file shares for Azure Files. Bedeutet das für alle jetzigen Azure Fileshares im Standard Tier die neuen Performancewerte ausgerollt werden. Damit fällt auch die bisherige Limitierung von 5TB für Azure Fileshares und damit verbunden für Azure File Sync. Die neuen Performancewerte sehen folgendermaßen aus:
IOPS: 10.000 (vorher 1000)
Durchsatz: 300MB/sec (vorher 60MB/sec)
Fileshare Größe: 100TB (vorher 5TB)
Bisher waren Azure Fileshares auf 5TB limitiert. Die Freigabe wird als Speicherort der Azure File Sync Dateien genutzt – daher galt hier das gleiche Limit. Doch diese Herausforderung ist gelöst und vorhandene Fileshares lassen sich über das Azure Portal auf die neue Größe erweitern. Dieser Artikel zeigt kurz die notwendigen Schritte.