Speaking at WVD Tech Fest 2021 about Azure Files

Due do the covid pandamy, many organizations in Germany are in a challenging phase as many employees need to be given the opportunity to work from home. Many companies have not yet made this option available to their employees, or only to a few. Microsoft has created a new option with Windows Virtual Desktop to …

Speaking at Azure Saturday Hamburg 2021 together with Thomas Naunheim

In the past Thomas Naunheim (Thomas Blog) and I have worked on several Cloud projects focusing on Azure Governance and Enterprise Scale. We decided to create a session together to integrate the best of both worlds and our experiences and recommendations from the field. Our agenda: Overview of Cloud Adoption Framework Overview of Well-architecture Framework …

Azure VM Best Practices

Last year Gregor Suttie and Richard Hooper launched the Azure Advent Calendar and I got to support with a session on Azure Bastion. This year they improved on the idea with the Festive Tech Calendar. I’m happy to be back with an article on Azure VM best practices. I hope you find the article helpful …

Azure Files enabled AD DS SMB authentication Best Practices and all you need to know

02/03/2022 Update 1 There are some improvements and changes in the AzFilesHybrid module, I updated the article with this changes. The Azure Files Teams announced the availability of joining Azure Fileshares to AD DS since February 2020. This brings a lot of new possibilites, like to move Fileservers directly to a hosted SMB solution or …

Festive Calendar 2020 – Thanks Gregor and Richard for a great Advent Idea

Last year my Community buddies Gregor Suttie and Richard Hooper has the great Idea to start the Azure Advent Calendar. A Advent Calender with 48 different Sessions to Azure related topics. I had the pleasure to held a session about Azure Bastion. This year Gregor and Richard take this to a new level and create …

Speaking with Thomas Naunheim at GermanyClouds Meetup about Azure Governance Best Practices

In the past Thomas Naunheim and I do a lot of architecture and designing prinicple for integrating Azure in company environments. We have the idea to create a Azure Governance Best Practices session in the last couple of months to give the community our insights and best practices for Starting/Integrating Azure environments. The goal is …

Azure Bastion now supports VNET Peering

Update 2 on 01/12/2021 Microsoft has changed the #AzureBastion minimum subnet size from /27 to /26. Installed #Azure Bastion are unaffected, but new deployments require the new subnet size. Please remember this. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bastion/bastion-faq#subnet Update – 12/2020 Azure Bastion is now available in West Germany Central. Azure Bastion is a service to avoid deployment own Jumphosts …

Zu Gast beim Geeksprech Podcast zu Azure Files

Am vergangenen Freitag hatte ich das Vergnügen zu Gast beim Geeksprech Podcast von meinen Community Freunden Eric Berg und Alexander Benoit zu sein. In der Folge gehen wir auf die vielfältigen Themen zu Azure Files ein. Dazu gehören natürlich u.a. die neuen Tiering Modelle, wie ich Azure Fileshares bereitstelle, welche Vorteile Azure File Sync mir …

Azure Files Improvements – new Tiers and Soft Delete

In the last couple of Months Microsoft brings a lot of new capabilites to Azure Files. From AD DS SMB autentication over new Tiers to Soft delete, there are many improvments for Azure Files. This article will introduce the latest announcement you need to know and which workloads are addressed with the new features. Until …

Azure VPN AAD P2S Error Server did not respond properly to vpn control packets resolved

In the last few days I have created some Azure Landingzones. To secure access to Azure resources within the landing zone with different users, customers use a P2S connection through the Azure VPN Gateway using Azure AD for authentication. Sometimes I see some mistakes in the Azure VPN Point-to-site configuration blade that results in the …