Azure AMA – Azure Virtual Desktop Best Practices #AVD with Marcel Meurer and Patrick Koehler – English Edition

I’m excited to announce that we’re kicking off another Azure AMA on Azure Virtual Desktop Best Practices session – English Edition. The last session was delivered in German and we get a lots of Feedback to repat this in English. I’m really happy to announce that your wish comes true and Marcel and Patrick was …

Azure AMA – Azure Virtual Desktop Best Practices #AVD with Marcel Meurer and Patrick Koehler

German below I know it’s been a little quiet on new blog articles the last few months, but that’s due to other community topics I’m working on. One of my new projects is the Azure Ask my Anything Live format that I will be hosting with my team at Azure Bonn Live on YouTube and …

Zu Gast beim Podcast mit Azure Policy

English Below Letzte Woche hatte ich das Vergnügen zu Gast beim Podcast von Tillmann Eitelberg zu sein. Im Podcast haben wir über das Thema Azure Policy gesprochen und wir haben über vielfältige Themen gesprochen. Es war ein lockeres Gespräch mit viel fachsimpeln und unseren Eindrücken zu aktuellen Community Tätigkeiten. Im Podcast haben wir unter …

Migrate Ubiquiti Unifi Security Gateway (USG) to Unifi Dream Machine Pro (UDM Pro)

Some of my customers using Ubiquiti components in there networks, because of the great price and performance ratio and the easy administration. On of my customers the Unifi Security Gateway had a defect shortly before christmas. We decided to renew the both components (Unifi Security Gateway and Unifi Cloud Key Gen 2 Plus) with the …

Reinstall Azure Backup Windows Workload to fix UserErrorSQL NoSysadminMembership for SQL Server in Azure VM

In the last couple of days I try to optimize some Azure environments from security and cost perspective. One customer has a SQL Server Express installed inside an Azure VM. The backup was configured for the hole VM, but there is no need to backup the Datadisk which contains the SQL databases. In this article …

Recap of 2021 and Looking forward to 2022

2021 is over and it was a challenging and interesting year from many perspectives. I think the most important thing in these times is health and consideration for the community. Looking back to 2021, I was a speaker at many virtual events and that was quite interesting because of the different organization and audience. What …

Microsoft release Azure AD Connect V2 with tons of new features and remove support for WS 2012 R2 or Older

Update 18/08/2021 Added some details about v. which fixes a security issue. Microsoft released a major update of Azure AD Connect. This major release brings a lots of new features and requirements for the local infrastructure. In this article I will cover the latest information and how you can upgrade to the new release. …


Summer is here and I hope many enjoy the time on vacation. In this article I would like to give a little preview on which community events you can find me in the 2nd half of 2021. GeekSprech Podcast I had the pleasure of visiting Eric Berg and Weimar on the 3rd weekend in July. …