Awarded as Microsoft MVP for Azure and Microsoft Security 2024-2025

I am pleased to announce that I have once again been recognized as a Microsoft MVP for Azure and Security in 2024-2025. This year there were some internal changes and the announcement was therefore postponed to July 10. So late Wednesday the mail came and I saw, just before my birthday, that I was again awarded in the following categories:

  • MVP for Microsoft Azure Compute Infrastructure
  • MVP for Cloud Security

What a great surprise

It is still an honor to be part of this family. There are many people who have supported me along the way, without whom this award would not have been possible. A big thank you goes to my wife Jessica, without her support this would not have been possible. There are many people who have become true friends during this time and to whom I am very grateful for their support, like Eric Berg, Thomas Naunheim, Marcel Meurer and Tom Janetscheck and many others. Also a big thank you to my Azure Bonn Orga Team, René de la Motte and Thomas Naunheim without whom the many Meetups and the Cloud Identity Summit would only be half as nice.

But this award is not possible without the community and the recognition from Microsoft, so a big thank you for that.

If you’re interested in what conferences you can find me at in 2024, feel free to check out my upcoming community events page.

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