Last year my Community buddies Gregor Suttie and Richard Hooper has the great Idea to start the Azure Advent Calendar. A Advent Calender with 48 different Sessions to Azure related topics. I had the pleasure to held a session about Azure Bastion.
This year Gregor and Richard take this to a new level and create the Festive Calendar. An Adventcalendar with around 85 different sessions around the Microsoft 365 world.

The Calendar has started today with the yearly POM deliverd by Isidora Katanic (BTW: Greetings to the well deserved MVP award) and introduction from Amy Boyd and Adam Jackson.
This year I have the pleasure to hold a session again about Azure …… at the ….! Psst – I do not say when and which topic so it is a an Advent suprise. Take a look at the daily Festivecalendar website to see what amazing session surprises are behind the door 🙂
You can also follow the @_CloudFamily Account at Twitter to get notified when new sessions are available or you follow the tag #FestiveTechCalendar for the latest updates.

Thanks again to Gregor Suttie and Richard Hooper for this great community driven Idea – Love IT.