The first half of 2021 is over and I has the pleasure to speak and so many great events.

Azure Governance Best Practice and Enterprise Scale at Azure Saturday Hamburg

We started with Azure Saturday Hamburg, where I held a session on Azure Governance Best Practices and Enterprise Scale together with my best buddy Thomas Naunheim. In the first part, I shared my experiences about the Cloud Adoption Framework and Azure Govnernance using Azure Policy. Thomas went deeper into the topics about Enterprise Scale reference architectures in the second part. We are in the process of revising the session and will update it this year.
Azure Files the optimal WVD profile store solution at WVD TechFest 21

Patrick Koehler and Simon Bender had founded the WVD Tech Fest. A conference with focus about all details around Windows (Azure) Virtual Desktop. I had the pleasure to hold a session about Azure Files, where I discuss which Azure storage solution is the best fit for Azure Virtual Desktops. The session was recorded and are available at Youtube. Did you had any questions please feel free to reach me or leave a comment.
GeekSprech Podcast

In the first halfe of 2021 I also had the pleasure to invite as a guest speaker to the great Podcast GeekSprech from Eric Berg and Alexander Benoit together with Thomas Naunheim. In the podcast we talk about the upcoming news of the Microsoft Spring Ignite (German).
CloudEight Conference
On the 3rd Cloud Eight conference I had the please to speak about 7 Tipss you need to know about using Azure File Sync in a perfect way. This session was live streamed and is now available on YouTube.
That was the first half of 2021 for me. I’m looking forward to the 2nd half and I’m sure there are some nice conferences planned, especially our upcoming Identity Summit 2021, so stay tuned 🙂