New Azure Beta Exam AZ-104 available with limited discount

Short notice: The Microsoft learning blog has announced a new Azure exam, the Azure Administrator Az-104. This is the successor of the Az-103 exam. The exam is available right now as a limited beta. This means that the first 300 people who book the exam and take it by 31.05.2020 at the latest will receive a discount of 80% of the actual exam price. This reduces the price from 165€ to 39,27€. The needed skills are listed on the official exam site.

The beta exam is a pre-release of the exam and you can help to improve the exam. So take an eye on illogical or incomplete questions or graphics and note this within the exam to the team. This helps the team to improve the exam and the following participants to get a better exam experience.

There is a really good study guide available for the new Az-104 written by Thomas Maurer. In the time of the corona crisis, the best way is to take a online exam at home. For this Thomas has also written a well good article How to take a Microsoft certificate online.

For Online learning my recommendation is to use the online courses from Scott Duffy at Udemy. These are valid for Az-103 and Az-104 and really helpful. More details about needed skills can you find on the blog article at Build5Nine from Chris Pietschmann.

Please note, this is a beta exam and after you finish the exam it takes up to 8 weeks before you get the result.

Happy study and good luck 🙂


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