It’s been pretty quiet here on the blog the last few months and I’m sorry for that. I am in some big customer projects and am in full planning of some community events, like Global Azure at Azure Bonn and the Cloud Identity Summit, this was the reason of the silence in this blog. But I vow to mend my ways and will soon publish some blog articles again, which I am already working on. Today we start first with light fare and my upcoming community events. I hope to see you at one of the many events and get in touch with you.
Before I list the events where I will deliver a session I will shortly inform you, that I created a page where all upcoming Azure and Microsoft 365 community conferences are listed. Take a look there to find all events, that I’m aware of and please feel free to give me a hint, when I forget one.

Global Azure Cologne – 07/05/2022

VCNRW – Enforce Security & Compliance with Azure Policy – 25/05/2022

I’m really looking forward to the first meeting of the Virtualization Community NRW (VCNRW). The VCNRW team took a break for a few months and decided to return in May with face-to-face meetings. They approached me and asked for an Azure session and I gladly agreed. I’ve have the pleasure to hold a session about Enforce Cloud Security and Compliance with Azure Policy.
Experts Live Austria – Azure Automanage – 29/06/2022

The Experts Live is a great community that grows over the last couple of years. Is founded by a team as System Center Universe and changed the name to Experts Live some years ago. There are several Experts Live events in Europe and the Austria team is one of the first with a a in-person conference. I am pleased to announce to get an invite and will held a sesseion about Azure Automanage – Your VM service provider live at the conference in Austria.
Cloud Land – Azure Policy – 29/06/ – 01/07/22

The next before we going into the Summertime is the Cloud Land Conference Germany that will be placed in the Phantasia Land Brühl near Cologne. This is a larger event that goes over several days. I’m really happy to get a slot on this conference on Saturday with a session about Azure Policy.
AVD Tech Fest 2022 – 01/09/2022

The AVD TechFest was originally planned for March 2022 and was postponed to Septemper. I really looking forward to this Conference with a strong focus on Azure Virtual Desktop and other sessions related to Virtual Desktops. For this conference I created a special session about „Mastering AVD profiles with Azure (NetApp) Files“ where I go into the different store services to store Windows User profiles in a efficient and secure way.
Experts Live Germany – 08/09/2022

The Experts Live is a conference format which was organized by different people from different country. Eric Berg and Carsten Rachpfahl organize the Experts Live Germany in Septemper and I’m really proud to be one of the speaker on this great Azure and Hybrid focused conference in the heart of Germany.
Workplace Ninja Summit – 12/09/ – 14/09/2022

I got my first invitation to the Workplace Ninja Summit, scheduled for mid-September in beautiful Lucerne. The Workplace Ninja Summit focuses on everything related to Workplace and Microsoft 365 technologies and brings together a lot of community greats and offers a lot of know-how and experience exchange for the participants during 3 days. I am very excited to be delivering a session on Azure Security Best Practices at the Workplace Summit.
Cloud IdentitySummit – 22/09/2022

And last but not least the next Cloud Identity Summit will take place on 22/09/2022 directly in Bonn at the DigitalHub near the Central Station Bonn. We are really happy to organize the 3rd edition of the Cloud Identity Summit and in this year first time as Hybrid edition. This means we will go to a full day event and the morning will have two different workshops as in-person only event and on the afternoon we will go into the hybrid format, where the session will be live at our location and will be delivered online.
CloudSummit 2022 – 26/09/-28/09/2022
Last December, the European Collaboration and Cloud Summit took place together in Duesseldorf. It was the only in-person conference in 2021 that I attend and it was a pleasure and great experience. Networking is an important part of a community conference and we all look forward to this nice part of every conference. This year only the Cloud Summit will be held in Mainz and I am very exited to speak about Azure Security.
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