Our 1st IdentitySummit is over and we had a amazing Summit with our powerfull Speakers and our attendees.

We (Azure Bonn Orga Team) started planning the Summit in March 2020. The Orga Team from the AzureBonn Meetup consists of Melanie Eibl, Thomas Naunheim and René de la Motte. The idea came from Thomas (our Identity Expert) and we can say that was a wonderful idea.

We meet together at the Debeka Innovation Center (DICE) in Koblenz to organize and streaming all the sessions from one central place. The current Corona situation has unfortunately not made a complete live event possible, so we have met under the rules in force to ensure a smooth process and bring a little live feeling.
Now after 6 session in 2 parallel Tracks we can say it was worth every minute of planning – Why?

The answer is simple: First of all because of our great speakers. Each session was planned with a minimum of 300, and each session went deep into the relevant topics, showing what needs to be considered, the pitfalls and best practices available.
Each session was available for questions and we heard about interesting questions – some examples:
What if somebody has lost his/her fido key, how easy/fast they can get back on track?
Stefan van der Wiele going into the discussion and shows exactly what you can do and which processes do you need to get back on track fast.
Or even another question:
Can guest users enumare all the users of the resource tenant via PSH / graph?
And Thomas answers with the right MS Docs article.

Another great question to Azure AD login via VPN:
Even with „known locations“ maintained it still generates false possible if people hop on VPN – by Frank.
And Vinayak answers:
For the chat record, Impossible travel alerts are probably generated because of mismatch of trusted IP location configuration between MCAS and AAD – which results in false positives for hop on/off VPN. We have a work item in backlog to sync. these configurations between CA-TrustedIP and the MCAS IPRange.
Nestori: „Can you sign in to Windows 10 with Authenticator app?“
Thomas: „no you cannot sign-in with the Authenticator App to Win10 today“
Frank: How to prevent the usage of potential manipulated fido2 tockens
Stefan: You can only trust specific manufacturs over there vendor ID.

This was a short overview about many discussed topics at our Identity Summit. We are proud of our first Identity Summit and think about to did it again 🙂
Here you can find some insights about our Orga meeting for the Identity Summit.

We do not record the sessions, because to bring the event so close to a Live event as is possible. The slides are available at IdentitySummit 2020 GitHub page.
Do not forget to help us to improve another Identity Summit with your Feedback!